Installing Ceph: What the Guide did not tell me
3 min read
•In this article I will cover how I created a Ceph cluster on a single node.
I will be using Ubuntu 24.10 for this guide, but it should work on other distributions as well. Also, I am using Ceph Squid which was the most recent version of Ceph at the time of writing this.
I found a guide on the official website on how to manually deploy Ceph. However, as always, some important information were missing in the guide which got me stuck. Which is why I write this additional guide so I do not forget how to deploy Ceph in the future. Other than that, the guide is fairly detailed if read carefully.
First, I will do a basic maintenance of my system and install Ceph. I don't like snap, so I will get rid of it as well.
❯ sudo apt update && \
sudo apt upgrade -y && \
sudo apt purge snapd -y && \
sudo apt install ceph -y && \
sudo apt autoremove -y
Monitor Bootstrapping
About the ceph.conf
file, make sure you fill it out completely first thing as it will be required for the monmaptool
command which is provided by the guide before filling the config file.
If deploying Ceph on a single node, update the following two lines:
osd_pool_default_size = 1
osd_pool_default_min_size = 1
Manager daemon configuration
This section is quite small on the guide, I did not saw it and skipped it, which resulted in the deployment not working! Dumb mistake…
Once the mgr is created, it can be started with sudo systemctl start ceph-mgr@{hostname}
The following command can be used to check the status of your mgr, which should look something like this:
❯ sudo ceph mgr stat
"epoch": 142,
"available": true,
"active_name": "ubuntu",
"num_standby": 0
Removing some warnings
Even though I followed the guide, by the end ceph status
reported some warnings, which I fixed by running those two commands:
# Gets rid of "mon is allowing insecure global_id reclaim"
❯ sudo ceph config set mon auth_allow_insecure_global_id_reclaim false
# Gets rid of "1 monitors have not enabled msgr2"
❯ sudo ceph mon enable-msgr2
However I have yet to find how to fix "12 mgr modules have failed dependencies".
Adding OSDs
Simply use the "Short form" in the guide which is a single command:
❯ sudo ceph-volume lvm create --data $DEVICE # for example, "/dev/sdb1"
❯ sudo ceph-volume lvm list
Adding MDS
So the "{id}" that is specified in the guide, it is actually the hostname! And "{cluster-name}" is "ceph" by default.
Make sure you give the permissions to the ceph user on the /var/lib/ceph/mds/{cluster-name}-{hostname}/keyring
❯ sudo chown ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/mds/{cluster-name}-{hostname}/keyring
The command service ceph start
does not work, you should be able to start it with sudo systemctl start ceph-mds@{hostname}
If this does not work, you can always start it manually and check if the output contains any errors. The --cluster {cluster-name}
argument can be omited if you use the default cluster name, which is "ceph".
❯ sudo ceph-mds --cluster {cluster-name} -i {hostname} -m {ip-address}:6789
The following command can be used to check the status of your mds, which should look something like this:
❯ sudo ceph mds stat
cephfs:1 {0=ubuntu=up:active}
Starting Ceph on boot
If everything went well, Ceph can be started on boot using:
❯ sudo systemctl enable --now ceph-mon@{hostname} ceph-mds@{hostname} ceph-mgr@{hostname}